Galileo Thermometer - Cherry
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Galileo Thermometer - Cherry
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Galileo Thermometer with wood finish and hand blown glass.

This unique and colorful indoor thermometer is a beautiful in your office or home setting, with the contrast of the polished cherry wood. Rich jewel tones, gold-tone highlights this thermometer on sale here at our indoor garden decor store at the best possible cheap discount online sales price. 

• Colorful glass bulbs descend and ascend with temperature changes.
• Lowest floating bulb indicates temperature and liquid magnifies temperature readings.
• The laws of physics are on display as the principle of buoyancy tells the temperature.
• A Unique Gift: The perfect idea for someone who “has everything” or the amateur meteorologist!
• Makes a great gift.

Dimensions: 2.00 (D) x 3.50 (W) x 11.00 (H) inches

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