Flowering Dwarf Weeping Barbados Cherry Bonsai
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Flowering Dwarf Weeping Barbados Cherry Bonsai
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Dwarf Weeping Barbados Indoor Flowering and Fruiting Cherry Bonsai Plant Native to St. Croix, Trinidad and Curacao.

The natural form of the Beautiful Barbados Small Indoor Cherry Bonsai Tree is pendulous with weeping twigs and branches. Like all of the bonsai trees and decorative indoor house plants we have for sale are real, raised in our nursery, and shipped safely to you. Being an online based plants and flowers store we do not have many of the expensive operating costs of traditional stores. These savings allow us to offer the best mini indoor bonsai trees and other unique house plants at the lowest possible cheap, discount online sales prices. If you have any questions about this fruiting and flowering indoor bonsai tree give us a call or send us an email and we will be happy to help. 

  • The name Malpighia is used to honor Marcello Malpighia (1628-1693). He was a distinguished naturalist in Bologna, Italy.
  • The flowers are rose-pink, often several together in a cyme.
  • Its fruit is small and edible.
  • It has a weeping growth habit if the branches are allowed to elongate.
  • The round edible fruits are borne singly or in 2s or 3s and are bright red with glossy skin.
  • The fruit is very juicy and extremely high in ascorbic acid.
  • Great indoor bonsai.
  • Multiple sizes available.
  • Suitable humidity tray is recommended.

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