Free Hanging Birdhouse
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Free Hanging Birdhouse
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Schwegler Birdhouses

■ Schwegler Birdhouses have been proven in Europe for over 40 years
■ These birdhouses are made of a unique blend of 75% pine sawdust, burnt clay and other natural materials.
■ The birdhouse forms a nesting home that is healthy with non-toxic brown paint on the roof. 
■ These are health for the birds and will last for 20 years or more in your garden.
■ This remarkable material actually "breathes" like wood. Yet it is completely rot proof.
■ Resistant to damage by squirrels and raccoons.

1-1/2" hole for Eastern Bluebirds, tree swallows.
1/4" hole for wrens, chickadees, nuthatches, titmice, small woodpeckers.

Long reach from front of box puts nest at rear beyond reach of cats or squirrels.     Please note that current faceplate is a reddish color.
13" high x 6-1/2" diameter, 26" overall inc. hanger, 8 lbs.

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