Roman Camomile
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Roman Camomile
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'Chamaemelum nobile, Camomilla nobilis' - a perennial herb with white and yellow flowers, growing to 0.4 m. The flowerheads are used for medicinal purposes.

The flowers can be used to make a soothing tea or inhaled as steam for the reduction of nasal irritation as well as hay fever symptoms.

The flowers are used in herbal teas.
Sow roman chamomile herb seeds in fall or spring in well-drained, neutral to sightly acid soil. After danger of frost, sow seeds in open ground well exposed.
Barely cover seed (they need light to germinate). When plants are 2" tall, thin or transplant plants to 4 inches apart in light well-drained soil in sun to create a lawn effect.
Plants may deteriorate in very cold or wet winters, but will most likely recover. Harvest flowers when first fully opened, and use fresh or freeze.

Roman chamomile is used for various digestive disorders including indigestion, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and intestinal gas (flatulence) due to mental stress. Women use it for morning sickness and painful menstrual periods. It is also used for pain and swelling of the lining of the nose and mouth, sinus pain (sinusitis), and joint (rheumatic) disorders.

Some people put Roman chamomile in a steam bath and inhale it for sinus inflammation, hay fever, sore throat, and ear inflammation, and as a painkiller.

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