Slotted Plant Pots
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Slotted Plant Pots
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These remarkable Super Slotted Pots with side and bottom slots increase drainage and aeration around roots.  - We are out of some sizes. It is unknown timing of the shipment. You can preorder
These pots are each terrific for Orchids, African Violets and all fine plants that need great drainage and airflow to their root systems.

Innovation and beauty are in each and every pot!

Each has 10 slots in the sides, 18 more slots at the base and another 18 slots which rise up to form the elevated interior core.
Designed to maximize air flow and drainage, these terrific pots are as effective as they are beautiful.

Known as "Super Slot Pots" because they have more drainage capacity than any single pot we carry.
They come with a substantial reinforced outer rim at the top and are made with UV protection built in for increased durability when exposed to the sun.

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