Mugo Pine Bonsai
Mugo Pine Bonsai
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This is the tree that we recommend if you are inexperienced with bonsai or you do not have a green thumb.

This slow growing, beautiful Dwarf Mugo Pine is a great choice for you or as a gift.

  • This Bonsai, also known as Swiss Mountain Pine exhibits deep green needles and requires very little trimming.
  • This dwarf pine exhibits the beauty and characteristics of a classic bonsai.
  • This is a very beautiful trouble-free evergreen.
  • This petite tree is easy to care for.
  • This hardy Dwarf Mugo pine can tolerate extremely cold winter conditions.
  • The Mugo Pine requires low maintenance, outdoor choice.
  • 3-5 years old.
  • 7-10" tall
  • Suitable humidity/drip tray is recommended. 

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