Borage Seeds
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Borage Seeds
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'Borago officinalis' - a tap-rooted annual herb with blue or pink flowers in drooping clusters, growing to about 0.5 m.
Leaves are used in salads, but also as compress to relieve irritated or inflamed skin. Grows to an average height of 50cm

Plant this unusual 2-foot annual herb for its pure ornamental value, to attract much-coveted bees to your garden, and to harvest for teas and other summer drinks. Use the small new leaves and the distinctive 1 1/2-inch star-shaped purple-blue flowers in hot and cold drinks, especially teas.

Borage is actually a somewhat gangly plant, but you barely notice it because the star-shaped flowers are so vibrant. They’re a true blue, hanging in downward facing clusters.
Use the leaves while they are young, because as the plant matures, the stalks and leaves become covered with a prickly fuzz.

Borage is used as either a fresh vegetable or a dried herb. Both the flowers and the leaves are edible, and as a fresh vegetable, borage, with a cucumber-like taste, is often used in salads or as a garnish.[3] The flower has a sweet honey-like taste and is one of the few truly blue-colored edible substances, is often used to decorate desserts.

Traditionally Borago officinalis is used in hyperactive gastrointestinal, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders,[12] such as gastrointestinal (colic, cramps, diarrhea), airways (asthma, bronchitis), cardiovascular, (cardiotonic, antihypertensive and blood purifier), urinary (diuretic and kidney/bladder disorders).

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