Marjoram Seeds
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Marjoram Seeds
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Flower cookery has been traced back to Roman times, and to the Chinese, Middle Eastern, and Indian cultures. These are edible flowers.
From the mint family, marjoram provides a distinct and unique flavor to dishes.

It is used in meat and poultry dishes, cream sauces and soup.

  • Introduce flowers into your diet in small quantities one species at a time. Too much of a good thing may cause problems for your digestive system.

  • Oregano is often confused with marjoram. Common oregano is also known as wild marjoram, the oregano plant is a perennial which grows up to two feet tall and bears tiny leaves which lend a pungent aroma and strong flavor to a variety of savory foods.

    When in bloom, the plant sports pink or purple flowers, which are also edible.
    The leaves are used fresh from the plant or dried.
    Oregano is one of the few herbs that is stronger when dried than when fresh.
    Sweet marjoram provides provides you with multiple cutting of their juicy stems and leaves as they grow. Cut the soft stems and leaves and add at the end of the cooking time.
    Oregano, commonly called "the pizza herb," is one of the most widely-used herbs worldwide.

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