Byblis gigantea
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Byblis gigantea
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TRAP TYPE: Flypaper The genus Byblis is currently thought to contain five species (B. aquatica, B. filifolia, B. gigantea, B. liniflora and B. rorida).

Byblis is native to Australia and typically is a desert plant. Yet it resembles our sundew, Drosera.

It has sticky hairs that trap insects when they are fooled into thinking that the glandular secretions are drops of nectar. But Byblis differs from the sundew because its hairs do not curl around the captured prey.

Byblis gigantea grows in southwestern Australia.

It's a perennial plant that likes areas of acid sand that dry out in summertime. Often not a typical bog plant, it can be found in shrubby areas as well as open areas of white sand.

Byblis gigantea can grow in dense groupings. Its narrow leaves are covered on all surfaces by sticky hairs that trap insects. Thus, any insect passing through such a mass of leaves is likely to be trapped. Sticky hairs do not change position once the insect is caught. The insect is gradually digested where it landed.

The leaves as well as the outer floral structures (sepals) of the flowers of Byblis gigantea are densely covered with sticky hairs. The flowers of Byblis are red-purple, and are probably attractive to a kind of bee.

Quantity: 3 Seeds

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