Multiple Options -  Bonsai Soil
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Multiple Options -  Bonsai Soil
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A. Conifer Mix Bonsai Soil. Blend of ingredients appropriate for potting conifers. 2 lb. bag
B. Topical and Subtopical Mix. 2 lbs.

C. Japanese Bonsai Soil - Akadama Brown 
Used for all kinds of bonsai trees. Mix with other bonsai soils or use by itself. Flashed fired soft volcanic clay. This is the same Brown Akadama that is imported from Japan in 14 liter bags that we re-bag into 2 lb bags which are more practical. 2 lb. bag (1.6 liters), 3/16" Small size granules.

D. Professional Bonsai Soil:
This unique bonsai soil is produced by expanding and vitrifying selected shale in a rotary kiln at temperatures in excess of 2000 degrees F. This process makes the soil sterile and environmentally inert.

It is a natural non-toxic, highly absorptive ceramic granule with a generally neutral PH. It is dimensionally stable and will not degrade like other amending products. There is no need for it to be re-applied year after year. A good bonsai soil profile is approximately 25% water, 25% air and 50% solid particulate matter. However, when soils are compacted, an imbalance occurs. Solid particles are pressed together, and water and air are squeezed out. With less pore space, soils become too dense for the movement of air, water and nutrients, and the favorable environment for the beneficial microbial activity necessary in a healthy growing medium, is lost.

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